Find the Man in the Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Dani Caxete NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day February 1, 2016
Friday Greetings,
This week I am thinking about friendships, legacies, and the ebb and flow of relationships. Today is the eve of a full moon, and, quite remarkably, a private company, Intuitive Machines, landed the IM-1lander also called “Odysseus” on the moon yesterday! Home | Intuitive Machines Honestly, I thought more attention should have been paid to this event!
Daily, our lives experience tidal force, the combination of Earth’s gravity and the gravitational pull of the moon which causes ocean tides to change.
The waxing and waning of the moon affects the oceans and certainly our behavior.
When I was young we were often shown photographs of the moon with a vivid image of a man’s face or a woman’s figure. Today, I cannot find those images imprinted on my memory, but I do not think they are just my imagination!

The moon has been a constant topic in literature.
Juliet implores Romeo, “O, swear not by the moon, th'inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.”
“Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,
Pale in her anger washes all the air” ~A Midsummer Night's Dream
Friendships can greatly enhance our creativity. As with moon phases, various friendships sustain different phases of our lives. Those whom we knew as children and who knew our parents hold a special place in our hearts, and if we can hold on to these, it is a miracle indeed. Other friendships grow with us, nurtured by common interests, beliefs, temperament and experiences.
This morning I wrote a long thoughtful note to a close friend who has lost a dear one, reminding me of the role of encouragement and guidance in friendships, especially through trials and loss.
And this week (as most) – I met with my tribe! I asked myself who keeps your art habit on track? Who encourages your creativity? Who pushes you when you’re at a standstill? Who nourishes your spirit? Who is your tribe?
In my journal I wrote:
Encouragers, creatives, kindness sharers, nurturers, beauty lovers, truth bearers, honest speakers, wisdom seekers
This describes several friend circles, much like a Venn diagram - art dialog friends, art zoom members, bible study class - those with whom I like to exchange ideas and hang out. And, as in a Venn diagram, people overlap. I have art friends with whom I hike, study friends who like to make art…and I am very fortunate to have a strong system of nurturing, caring friends.
As an only child, my closest female friends often have been eldest daughters-ones who share similar birth order. We seek those who encourage us or we can encourage.
I was stunned recently when a young friend said humbly that she didn’t want to leave a legacy. (I believe she thought the focus would be on her-not the good things she does).
Most philosophers and spiritual thinkers promote the importance of leaving a legacy. We are created as beautiful vessels—to be cared for, nurtured and shared from. We cannot share when we are empty or sinking. We must be rooted – watered, fed, receive sunshine to grow, develop, mature, and ripen. Hopefully, we are on a path to develop skills, talents and tools to be good friends!
And when we lose a treasured member of our family or community – we ponder the legacy they left.
A bit weighty you say. Or comforting to know how your life can affect another.
What is your legacy?
This is borrowed and edited from my own 2008 blog:
Summer Legacy | Desert Argonauta
Legacy: inheritance, birthright, bequest, heritage-- basically a gift for the future.
I was asked to speak at my uncle’s memorial service about his legacy. He was an artist, a listener, a thinker and an engineer—and probably the kindest person on earth. He left many works of art and fostered art in me and any young listener. He built easel for me when I turned four, a doll house, and another easel (when I turned 50) and encouraged my work whenever possible. He scheduled “art on the patio” when his young relatives visited—including our two children. Not only did he paint for pleasure, he created a diorama for Heritage Hill in Lake Forest (where my aunt served as a docent for 20 years) to show elementary children and all visitors how the early Chumash Indians lived. His drawings of the historical buildings were made into cards (and a fundraiser).

What legacy do you wish to leave on this planet?
I promised to share art tips and travel on this blog.
Art Tip - Seek those who nurture your skills. I have met with a group of incredible women painters for ten years. Although the number of the group waxes and wanes, our dedication to dialog and constructive critique has not. Early on Dialog Group created a mission statement. We have exhibited together about 7 times including our original pop-up store in the heart of Joshua Tree, and we have a 2024 show in the works! You may not wish to be this formal- but a circle of friends who meet to study, visit, and share is a wonderful way to promote friendship and develop an interest into a skill
Dialog Group - Mission Statement
1. Promote the spirit of fellowship among artist members.
2. Recognize and evaluate the standard of creative work.
3. Enrich and enhance members' opportunities through exhibits and activities related to art.
4. Encourage artistic development among members.
5. Offer philanthropic aid to the art community
6. Keep members up to date and aware of art news and events.

A fabulous benefit of travel is the memories we create, often with family and friends. My memories of Carmel with my parents, travels throughout the western US with my husband and our children, and travels to England with parents and children have created some of the best memories I have. Photos certainly help to jog the memories! In April 2019, I visited Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France. Although a bridge now connects this famous abbey to land, the dramatic tide surrounds it with water at various time of the day. Visitors often consult tide charts. Here are my photos and my watercolor which is available as a card at my Etsy Shop.

This Spring I am teaching two in-person workshops. If you are interested in attending, visit my website for registration. Both are designed for beginner to intermediate painters and all supplies are provided.
Saturday, March 30, 2024 (Easter weekend) Big Morongo Canyon Preserve in Morongo Valley, CA
Saturday, April 6, 2024 Cactus Mart Spring Into Acrylics in Morongo Valley, CA
This week, let a friend know how important they are in your life! If you know someone who needs encouraging, reach out.
Inspired by all of you,